Would you like to become a Compensation & Benefit specialist?
Are in charge of the Compensation area and you would like to be successful?
Do you ask yourself how to correctly diagnose your reward package?
Would you like to understand how does the salary package affects the motivation and performance of your employees?
You are in the right place!
At the end of this course you will be able to:
- create from scratch a full diagnosis of your company’s compensation and benefit policy
- use salary surveys effectively
- create an internal equity analysis and external competitiveness analysis
- interpret correctly all Comp & Ben KPIs
- find ways to effectively manage your reward budget
- remove all compensation related risk that can increase attrition or lack of motivation
The course is delivered in Romanian language.
The course is designed to offer you all the necessary competencies to become a Compensation and Benefit expert.
The course is structured in 2 sections:
- In the first section you will learn all the theoretical concepts that you need.
- In the second section you will accumulate the technical skills every Comp & Ben specialist needs. This will be done through a diagnosis practical exercise of a demo company compensation package. The exercise offers also the interpretation of the analysis.
Structure & Key concepts covered:
Section 1. Compensation framework:
1. Total reward framework
2. Reward elements & pay mix
3. The 5 values methodology
4. Job comparison methodologies
5. Reward package diagnosis: internal equity & external competitiveness
6. Most used reward principles
Section 2 – Example of reward package diagnosis:
1. What to consider when you create your database
2. How to conduct an internal equity analysis
3. The interpretation of the internal equity analysis
4. How to conduct an external competitiveness analysis
5. The interpretation of the external competitiveness analysis

Experience: 8+ years of HR consultancy in areas like:
HR Analytics, Compensation & Benefits, Engagement.
Short CV:
Founder @ humano: 2018 – present
Senior Account Manager @ Korn Ferry Hay Group: 2015 – 2018
Business Performance Consultant @ theConsultants Group 2012 – 2015
Operations Quality Manager @theConsultants: 2012
Team Leader @ Shoppers: 2011 – 2012
Course Content